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Philosophy of Education

Humanism, a popular philosophy among educators who believe that learning should be from the human perspective, not by belief. I would say that I agree with these standards about my beliefs of Humanism based on my personal beliefs. I believe that when people discuss education and about how they should be taught, I don’t believe that religious, or any other supernatural related beliefs belong in school, This is because the use of those kind of beliefs go against the ideas of School. In school, you are there to learn. Those supernatural beliefs go against that because in some religions, truth is prohibited due to the fact that they may be against a religions personal beliefs/ideals.


One example I can think of is the debate over the Theory of Evolution. On the religious side, for a religion such as Christianity, they are mostly against this because it denounces the belief that God created everything in 7 days. However, on the educational side, its considered true due to the scientific evidence that can back it up. In the end, the debate has almost disappeared from society mostly because schools have become more accepting of the Theory of Evolution and this allows students to more about the science of Evolution.


Another thing about humanism is the use of human experiences, Now, when it comes to the experiences, these are mostly relevant in Social Studies. Personally, I'm all for it because the use of Human Experiences allows students to have a more in depth view of historical events.



For example, some event in history where I believe the human experience/perspective is highly disregarded are the major World Wars. Now, I say this because what we read in most textbooks is simply the statistics of these events, and very little in depth details about them. Not only that, but they are told from the side of the Victors. I believe when teaching someone about a historical event such as war, that there should be an explanatory viewpoint from both sides. From examples, instead of hearing about the Battle of the Bulge from an American Standpoint, why not a view from that of the Germans?


Each and every human being that has participated in a war, no matter how cruel they were or what side they fought for, deserve to have their story told and heard to the future generations. I believe that if this is not done, then they are to be forgotten in the sands of time. They gave their lives for something that they believe in, whether it be right or wrong in our eyes, they are still people and deserve to be known.


In the end, my belief in the educational Philosophy of Humanism is something I will hang on to. Overtime it may change as new ideas are brought to life along with different ideas. The idea of Humanism is like a Mystery Door on a Game Show. You have a certain number of doors and you don't know what behind them. But you do know that they may benefit you, you just don’t know it. Someday we will have to open this mystery door and potentially recognize Humanism as a new way of teaching. However now, we continue to hang onto traditional methods of teaching and the history in which we claim to value so much is fading away.                                                                   

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